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Jumpcut is a bit of experimental VJ software I’ve built in Touch Designer, focused on long form and cinematic content. I don’t think, technically, that it does much you couldn’t pull off with existing VJ software, but it suits my needs and will continue to evolve.
I wanted to explore ways to subvert and re-purpose footage, specifically to generate that special kind of serendipity that makes Dark Side of the Moon synch up with The Wizard of Oz – and to generally zen out on some weird shit.

It’s played really well at parties both with a DJ and with a live band. In the coming year I hope to flesh out the system further and develop Jumpcut as a true performance piece.

Here’s a recording of a live session, totally unrehearsed and unedited except for the titles I put at the head (it’s act 1 of a hypothetical four-act story, but that’s a post for another time). Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, with F.W. Murnau’s Faust, mixed to Sphynx by La Femme.
